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get at least a whiff of a broad,
full, active life where people are
working & doing something, and
where you can get some higher progressive
life, & know & be associated with people
of high & progressive thought, & hear
fine music and see good plays -
even if you have to get a third
balcony seat at the theater. Gertrude
came down for a last little glimpse
Friday evening - she looked very tired
but I hope her trip will greatly revive
her instead of wearying her the more
Theodora and I were dressing to go
over to Mrs. Wrights for a little evening
to meet a Mr. & Mrs. Jackson - bride
& groom from Malta - so the glimpse
of Trudie wasn't very satisfactory
as I was so taken up with Rose
Payne & the way she looked. The
evening was a jolly one - playing an
observation's game - I helped Mrs. W.

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