Untitled Page 287



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at the tasting table - for it was pro-
gressive - so didn't play. There was
a seeing, smelling, touching &
tasting table & every one was blind-
folded except where they were timed
at the seeing table, & then prizes
were given to the one who had
guessed the greatest number of things
correctly - each one write down on a
card what she thought she had
tasted, smelt &tc. Charlotte Makery
& Dr. Grisem got the prizes - a prettily
framed photo of the "Long [illegible]
words" & a silver knife. Theodora
came within one of getting the photo.
It seemed very natural to be
having a good time in that pretty
home but I think Theodora really
enjoys things more, she hates to
start so that she has a pleasent
reaction that I entirely miss.

I meant to get up at five to see
Trude off the next morning, but
woke up a quarter of an hour too
late, & had to give it up - was
sorry as I have done nothing for
her birthday or her journey and
am ashamed of myself; will
try to concoct something this vacation
for her return as soon as this
clothes business is off my mind.
Mrs. Wright sent over quantities
of ice-cream & cake & salad "after
the ball was over." Major Bradford
has had the appointment of manager
of the mind - the position Mr.
Aberdeen - his partner left - so Allis
is at the head of our establishment
servants & carriages furnished -
and a salary of 12,000 a year
for her husband. A good begining

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