Untitled Page 285
East seeing to educational matters.
Second: - Charles came in and
in a day and a morning put
the grounds into such beautiful
order that we have been proud
of them ever since, & he did so
many little odd jobs too.
Third: I made a tee-total failure
at the Washburn school - my wits
& memory & ideas flew every which
way & I shook like an aspen
leaf till I sat down, having
muttered some incoherent sentences
that had neither verb nor noun
Laura came next & did better &
each improved in turn till Miriam
Maclaren carried off the honors.
Honestly I never knew what it was
to be frightened before, but I shall
never forget now. Really I didn't like
Chauncey Depew when I heard him
but I think him & his vocation truly
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