Untitled Page 284



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miracuelous now I that I have had a
little experience. Now for this week's
news - there is none - it has
simple snapped & the week is gone
leaving behind it the tracks of an
excellent dress maker & two suits apiece
for Theodora & me at the rate of
three seventy-five a suit.

x x x

Have just gotten Charles's luncheon
& don't intend to stir till I finish
this patch work letter. The short waist
pattern you sent Laura has used
& also Mrs. Wright. Mr. Wright took
such a fancy to my blue skirt
waist that he carried it off down
town to have it exactly copied for Mrs.
W. Theodora has gotten expert at
making button-holes, and inch by
inch I am learning the art of
dress making - mean now to make
me a little matinee jacket out of

my old red striped flannel skirt
by the shirt-waist pattern & have
a stock collar of red ribbon & fall of
lace at the neck - then one more
shirt waist out of Theodora's old
gingham dress, make over my
dotted swiss dress, & finish my
batiste, then to finish up with my
underclothes & I shall be done - oh
I forgot my green silk waist. Night
gowns for every day I shall be most
in need of, as at present I have
only one besides the little old duds
of Mama's that we found in the
attic. Friday evening Gilbert & Jessie
Russell & Laura came down to get
me to go to a little informal,
impromptu, dance at the Vendome
which was "kind of fun". Felt too
tired & indifferent to go out to the
Schneider's garden party, especially

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