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[typed] Stanford University, Cal. [written] Sept. 4 [typed] 189 [written] 6.

My dearest Nannie -

How I wish you
could see my pretty new room - every
one exclaims "what a "typical college
room" who enters; you know I am
rooming on the second floor with
Miriam Maclaren; it is a corner room
and very large a sunny and airy.
Every morning I wake up so ecstaticly
happy in my sweet cosy little
bed, and every night I think I
am about the most fortunate little
girl in the world. My course is
going to be the most delightful
one I ever had in the university
as for once in my life my hours
do not conflict. Tuesday and
Thursdays at half past eight I
have German - (Faust), on the same
days at half past nine I have
a course in History which is

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