Untitled Page 272
man, I shall be so glad to go
back to his little church where
I feel so much at home. The
professors are all perfectly lovely -
so cordial and helpful.
[Drawing of a room, with parts of the room labelled, left to right, top to bottom:
windows, Books, window
basin, Books
tea table
Study Table, [illegible] box, window
wardrobe, bed, bed]
A very rough
diagram of the
Room but it
is very artistic
and Bohemian
with the rugs Mr. [illegible] has
given me to take care of for
[illegible] and a beautiful palm
on the reading stand. I have
the etching that was over the
library mirror at home, Hermes,
and a water color of Lolies on
my wall & they show off so
well against the blue planter.
The books and screens and
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