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a baby waist with small puff caps
& little rushing around the neck
with a bow on one shoulder and
the ribbon tied around my waist in
another beautiful bow; the skirt
plain with the under skirt trimmed
in two ruffles with a knife plated
foot ruffle underneath. It is
simply dear, or dearly simple
either way. The morning after I
remembered it was the last chance
I had to use the San Mateo
commutation ticket and as I had
a lot of clean clothes for Lolie I
jumped on the train in great haste
& surprised the dear child; we had
a very happy afternoon to-gether &
I came home in time for dinner.
I had a glimpse of Mrs. Jowalman
on the quadrangle one day, she
looked as beautiful; & told me about
seeing you this summer. Did I
ever tell you that the Sigma Rho Eta's

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