Untitled Page 259
game no matter how it turns
Your letters are so sweet and so
jolly I simply love to get them
& cant scarcely keep from reading
the funny parts to all the girls.
You asked about the typhoid fever
scare - It has all blown over now,
& was more a rumour than
anything else. Poor Mrs. Griggs
was the saddest case. We are
having heavenly weather, just cold
enough to make every one dig.
To-morrow for Wordsworth we have
to be able to recite from one to twenty-
five sonnets - I have been learning
the one "The [illegible] is too much with
us", but know I can't say it
when anyone is listening to me
I am going to learn the one to [illegible]
requiring "a flock of sheep that liesurly
pass by" etc.
Yesterday Mr. Peete made a
morning call as he often does on
Saturdays. He is anxious to get up
some kind of an organization
simply for the purpose of having
all the Episcopal girls know each
other by meeting perhaps once a
semester. - What a dig he must
have been in college! It will probably
be called some kind of guild.
I promised him my help.
Mr. Bronco whom I spoke of
as one of the new Rho Eta boys is
a most interesting fellow, his
name will give you an inkling
to his ancestory & history - it is
Wilhelm Karl, Friederick, Robert. St.
Hilare Braenkov!!! and he has
Americanized it to Will Bronco;
[He?] looks like a German Greek!
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