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[written] p. 32 27

[typed] Sunday Morning
Nov. 22, '96

My precious Nannie--

It is too rainy to go over to Palo Alto this morning and I am
heart broken to think I can't go to chapel, but yesterday was one
of those obstinate days when one can`t study even though there is
nothing else in the world to do. So today I have to make up for it.
Yesterday I read two of Crawford's short stories - one "The Upper
Berth", the other "By the Waters of Paradise". The first a very
ghostly, oozy,ghost story, the other a very charming, pretty ghost
story. Beside that I read one ofBret Hart's vulgarly realistic Cali-
stories, and I think he is horrid. Today Mr. Bete has all
the campus Episcopal girls meet at Prof. Fairclough to "get acquainted"
and to arrange about having _____ regularly to the church
Sunday mornings - a good idea. Prof. Hudson read "The Blessed Damozel"
beautifully in class the other day, I am enjoying Rossetti very much
and am so glad I have the course. We take up Byron soon with Anderson,
just as soon as we finish Wordsworth.

I envy your hearing Ian Maclasen - Bonny Bru's Buch will always
be associated in my mind with the summer in the mountains when I was
late for dinner because I would finish Dr. Mclure. I don't see why
you were so anxious to put down that carpet I am sure I should be
tickled to death to have some one else do it. The slippers are bless-
ings, and just the right size. You remember those Mama made me were
very much too large, but these are too cosy and warm for anything.

There was a great football rally the other evening in the chapel.
Of course it was exceedingly crowded and the boys as usual crawled in
the windows & joshed everybody & everything. Several of the professors
spoke & the coach - Mr. Cross, and the big men on the team, ex graduate
& anyone the men could conjure up. Mrs. Stanford was there & sat right
in front of us, she was very sweet and amiable & enjoyed the college
spirit & fun, wondering what it all meant. Our team is not nearly so
strong this year & the Berkely team is especially good so there has been
considerable gloom, but you would never have guessed it at that wildly
hilarious & confident rally. Here I intended writing only aline but
can't seem to do it. I had a letter from Gertrude who is well & very
sweetly asked me to spend Thanksgiving with her, but deliver me from
San Jose in a boarding house on such an occasion. A number of us will
stay here & muster such good things to eat as we can and try not to
wish ourselves at the game.

The winter rains have begun, but we suffer so little from mud here
on account of the asphaltum everywhere that I don't mind wet weather.

Tuesday we have an examination in History 23 - 18th century in
Europe and I simply must study for it now even if this page isnt quite
full - I can't think of another blessed thing to write.

Your loving Toodles

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