Untitled Page 219
[written] p. 14
[typed] Sunday - June 28 - '96
we wake up, & the evening is my only chance to read. Have not quite
finished "The Diamond Necklace " yet - was very glad to come across it
as I was very misty about that incident of the Fr. Rev. Is Carlyle
partisen in his treatment of it? Even if he is I gather a very clear
idea of the affair from his striking account. He makes you understand
a thing as if you were an actual observer of such a case speculating,
moralizing & forming your own opinions as you look, or do I cheat myself,
are they his opinions he so subtely makes your own? As soon as I finish
the N___, I am going to read Pendennis - your copy that Gertrude has
lent me. My impressions of Erasmus you have revived, as my only
acquaintance with him was in the Education I course a year ago where I
met him as a Humanist educational leader. I shall hope to read the
Harper's story as soon as I get back to college where there are magazines.
What a pity you are having such uncomfortable weather - the days here are
cool and breezy now. I wonder with you as to how I might like Cazeuoria,
I have such a vivid impression of its gossiping, conventionality, its
handfull of freakish grotesque characters, its butterfly processions of
summer people, and its beautiful natural setting that I am quite curious
as to whether I am mistaken or not. I generally have toward people that
I hear many bad things about and who have a few good qualities quite a
leaning, or at least a tacitern way of sticking up for them;probably it
would be the same way with Cazinovia, I might like it very much at first
and find it beautiful and interesting but if I should have to stay there
a long time I know I should hate it for I should hate to live in a place
where I couldn't get at least a whiff of a broad, free, active life where
people are working & doing something, and where you can get some higher
progressive life, & know & be associated with people of high progressive
thought, & hear fine music and see goo plays - even if you have to get
a third balcony seat at the theater. Gertrude came down for a last little
glimpse Friday evening - she looked very tired but I hope her trip will
greatly revive her instead of wearying her the more. Theodora and I were
dressing to go over to Mrs. Might's for a little evening to meet a Mr. &
Mrs. Jackson - bride & groom from Malta - so the glimpse of Trudie wasn't
very satisfactory as I was so taken up with Rose Payne & the way she
looked. The evening was a jolly one - playing an observation's game -
I helped Mrs. W. at the tasting table - for it was progressive - so didn't
play. There was a seeing, swelling, touching & tasting table & every one
was blindfolded except where they were timed at the seeing table, & the
prizes were given to the one who had guessed the greatest number of things
correctly - each one wrote down on a card what she thought she had tasted
smelt etc. Charlotte Newbury & Dr. Grisem got the prizes - a prettily
framed photo of the "Long words" & a silver knife. Theodora came
within one of getting the photo. It seemed very natural to be having a
good time in that pretty home but I think Theodora really enjoys things
more, she hates to start so that she has a pleasent reaction that I entirely
miss. I meant to get up at five to see Trude off the next morning but
woke up a quarter of an hour too late & had to give it up - was sorry as
I have done nothing for her birthday or her journey and am ashamed of
myself; will try to concoct something this vacation for her return as
soon as this clothes business is off my mind. Mrs. Might sent over
quantities of ice-cream & cake & salad" after the ball was over". Major
Bradford has had the appoint of manager of the mine - the position Mr.
Aberdeen - his partner left - so Allis is at the head of an establishment -
servants & carriages furnished - and a salary of 12,000 a year for her
husband. A good beginning for Allis's enterprise. Theodora has just
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