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[written] Rose March 15 '96 p. 5

[typed] My dearest Nannie--

I simply can't remember the last time I wrote, Theodora reminds
me that I must begin away back before the suit. She is just getting
into her little pink wrapper & says "tell Nannie how much I love it",
it is just right in dimensions & so becoming. Of course the day of
the suit was the greatest day in the year & perhaps in the history of
the University. I can't begin to describe it but will send you a copy
of the red letter Sequoia that tells the story better than I could. I
haven't done much toward making up back work, as it is rather a gradual
process, & study has been very interrupted by holidays & committees
etc. We had two days vacation at the news of the decision of the suit,
and since then Founders Day. As for committees--Mr. Heme being '97
class president has put me on the Junior Farce committee which meant
five farces to read & pass judgment upon, also upon the decoration
committee for the Junior Promenade & cordially invited my attendance
at his reception committee meetings, but the last honor I declined.
The students are also getting up a comic opera--"Said Pasha" in which
Laura Marm takes the leading part as queen, which she fills admirably
with her sweet voice & pretty face. I lead the chorus and am shocked
to find that it is to be given on the 3rd & 4th of April which is
Good Friday. I don't know what I can do as it is billed for that night
& I don't know whether I can withdraw from my part. I haven't observed
lent in any but a very accidental way. It is out of the question to
deny oneself anything in the food line as it is all we can do to live
on what you do get, let alone going without anything, and as far as
dances are concerned, my conscience doesn't hurt me a bit in having
a good time when it comes to me if I can afford it. While I had my
little sick spell, Grace Clack, Laura, Gertrude Macintosh, Charlotte
& Miriam Maclaren got up a beautiful little party, rather
Mrs. Macintosh gave it & we girls received. She had a professional
decorator and waiters and threw open her house, & I never had such a good
good time in my life, nor saw a party go off so well. The next thing
was the Sophomore Cotillion--Grace Clark & Stuart Cotton lead. I was
so unfortunate as to have two invitations that I didn't want to accept
before the one that I did want to accept. So I had to stay home on
that account. But the Junior is to be very fine. I was disappointed
a little over the Sophomore but not much. We have had a most lively
winter--at one time very, very cold with snow way down in the foothills
& the rest of the time like spring weather, the poppies are out in
abundance and a sprinkling of buttercups and johny-jump-ups. For the
most part it has been so warm that heavy clothing is uncomfortable.
Theodora & I both heard Paderweski. She heard him in San Francisco
when I was ill & I in San Jose when he gave a concert under the auspices
of the student body and the tickets were only two dollars. I am ever
so much better than I have been all term, the rest doing me so much good:
am quite regular in every respect & eat much religiously every morning,
the board isn't so very bad. I saw Mrs. Dunn yesterday & she inquired
about you. Mrs. Teggart had a little girl arrive in her family last
February. She asked Anna Kohler & me to take tea with her soon and I
am anxious to. Friday, Theodora & I were surprised to find Mrs. Howard
& Miss Howard to see us last Friday. They are people we met at Mrs.
s and that we didn't like much. Miss Howard is thinking of taking
a course here till the end of the year. Next week is the last before
the spring vacation which begins Mar.21 & lasts a week. We have made
no plans yet I think I shall stay here & work on my Milton thesis. I
have the last fourteen years of his life to work on. I inquired of the
Beedy's about Cousin John & they said he [written:]was at a comfortable institution [typed:]at Westminister.

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