Untitled Page 197
in Roble during vacations
which is a pleasant diversion -
as there are quite a number
of the nice ones staying. The
Sigma Sigma party was
postponed till next term
and is to be very extra super-
fine. when it does come off.
So I am still waiting to wear
the dear Liberty scarf. Give
a great deal of Christmas love
to Aunt Tad. Ought I to
have sent her one of the pictures?
Am glad you had been having
a happy time in Rome.
Bye bye
It looks just like you. I am
glad to see Elsie keep her
mouth open in a picture too,
I simply cannot shut mine.
We are going to spend New Years
with Mrs. Myrick which will
give me a chance to get me
a suit for the second semester,
and have a change too.
In the mean time I can
rest and mend. It really
is very very pleasant staying
here. Dr. Jordon is just home
and we are all so thankful
We hope now to have the
matron changed the one we
had is too old and un-
intellectual to be in any way
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