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[typed] Stanford University, Cal. 189


[written] Well if you are acquainted with rarebits you know that they
must be made of (can be made in fact - only of fresh
Eastern cheese, and Rose had gotten the cheese at
Mayfield instead of at Palo Alto because we could
get no beer in Palo Alto it being a temperance town.
The boys all came (hungry they said) and
we had a jolly kind of a time. They are all
interesting boys - can sing & play & talk well.
But the cheese wasn't good and wouldn't rarebit
a little big it hung in one great heavy mass
wasn't it horrid! but we had [bindes?], fruitcake
and tea and the boys ate their rarebit nevertheless
and declared it was good. Rose the next morning
only remarked that "boys were regular goats"
to each such stuff - which I thought a poor
return for their inimitable politeness. They
have been seen since in the "Quad" so we know
that they are killed but I know nothing of
the proceedings of the night. I have started in
to read the Scarlet Letter by way of recreation -
and find it so interesting and so beautifully
expressed. Monday when we arrived at the University
we found Mrs. Myrick reposing luxuriously on our

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