Untitled Page 167
[typed] Stanford University, Cal. [written] January 7th [typed] 189 [written] 6
My dear Nannie -
My Sunday letter was very unsatisfactory
to myself; there had been so much to tell you about
that I know I merely mentioned the facts without
expatiating on them at all. And now begins more
to tell you about since we are back again in this
cheery, lovely place. First of all, I got through
in every thing, and in history, my major with Dr.
Howard my last examination was marked "Excellent"
and he said it was one of the very best in the class
of one hundred and twenty. I was so pleased. Rose
got "Good" - which is very good when we found
out little by little how many are conditioned.
Oh Campbells are wanting to leave San Jose' -
but of course are bound to one place until June -
hence they are looking for other occupants,
subject to our approval. And another time,
I shall not rent books, table linen, bed linen
or towels: for that means we must keep
the house so supplied if we rent it with that
understanding. I have just filled out a blank
giving Mr. Mabrey a blank proxy to vote our Woolen
Mill block. It is thought a dividend will be de-
clared, and that the stock will come up if
they put the tariff back on wool. Yesterday,
when we got back from San Jose', whom should we find
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