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followed her rustling silk-line of skirts
with much admiration, she took us
around the long veranda and showed
us beautiful glimpses through the
trees and lawns, and was very hospitable
when we went. Before we found her,
we had chaffed a good deal about
seeing our cards in the museum etc,
but after our call we felt ashamed
of ourselves for she impresses us as
being a very sorrowful, lovely [illegible]
though we had the feeling that she
had been acclimated to her wealth
instead of being brought up in satin
sleeves and [parsimentary?] fronts. She
dwells upon the personal thought of her
loss so that she lives in a future
world where her conditions will be just
as they were on this earth before her
dear [Lans?] left her sight; if it was not
for her business cares I have no doubt
she would be far advanced in spiritualism
She spoke so affectionatly of Dr. Jordan,
who evidently brings her no complaints
or worry & who has her utmost regard
& confidence.

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