Untitled Page 164



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library; it was about twilight and
the book lined room with its heavy
carved furniture was very impressive.
Mrs. Stanford was writing letters at her
desk in the bay window, and she
recieved us very cordially and kindly.
We talked for about an hour, and I
sat where I had a perspective of the
library, ante-library, and the guest
dining room where the table was
out and made a very pretty interior.
The funny part of it was Mrs. S.
was so bound up in metaphysical
thought, in memories of Leland and
her husband, that I thought it would
be simply impossible to mention any-
thing so mundane and frivolous as
a Roble dance; the opportunity came
at last, however, and Mrs. Stanford
seemed very pleased & appreciative of the
attention and said perhaps she might
come tho' it was a great strain
upon her to meet people and especially
people so near Leland's age. When the
lights were [led?] she showed us thro'
the rooms on the first floor and we

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