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was the Sophomore Cotillion - Grace
Clark & Stuart Cotton had. I was
so unfortunate as to have two
invitations that I didn't want to
accept before the one that I did
want to accept, so had to stay
home on that account. But the
Junior is to be very fine. I was
disappointed a little over the Sophomore
but not much. We have had a most
lovely winter - at one time very,
very cold with snow way down
in the foot-hills & the rest of the
time like spring weather, the
poppies are out in abundance
& a sprinkling of butter cups and
johnny-jump-ups. For the most
part it has been so warm that
heavy clothing was uncomfortable.
Theodora & I both heard Paderweski
She heard live in San Francisco
when I was ill, & I in San Jose
when he gave a concert under the

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