Untitled Page 158
As for committees - Mr. Herne being '97
class president has put me on
the Junior Faire committee which
meant fine forces to read &
pass judgment upon, also upon
the decoration committee for the
Junior Promenade & cordially in-
vited my attendance at his
reception committee meeting, but
the last honor I declined. The
students are also getting up a [illegible]
opera - "Said Pasha" in [illegible] Laura
Marm take the leading part as
queen. which she fills admirably
with her sweet voice & pretty face.
I lead the chorus and am shocked
to find that it is to be given on
the 3rd or 4th of April which is
Good Friday. I don't know what I
can do as it is billed for that
night & I don't know whether I
can withdraw from my part.
I haven't [illegible] in any
but a very accidental way. It is
out of the question to deny oneself
any thing in the food line as
it is all we can do to live on
what you do get, let alone going
without any thing, and as far
as dances are concerned, my con-
science doesn't hurt me a bit
in having a good time when it
comes to me if I can afford it.
While I had my ltitle sick spell,
Grace Clark, Laura, Gertrude Mac-
intosh, Charlotte Phillips & Miriam
Maclaren got up a beautiful
little party, rather MRs. Macintosh
gave it & we girls recieved. She
had a professional decorator &
waiters & [illegible] open her house,
& I never had such a good
time in my life, nor saw a
party go off so well. the next thing
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