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My dearest Nannie -

I simply can't
remember the last time I wrote,
Theodora reminds me that I must
begin every task before the suit,
She is just getting out her little
pink wrapper & says "tell Nannie
how much I love it". it is just
right in dimensions & so becoming
of course the day of the suit was the
greatest day in the year or perhaps
in the hisotry of the university I
can't begin to describe it but will
send you a copy of the red letter
[Sequoia?] that tells the story better
than I could. I haven't done
much toward making up back
work, as it is rather a gradual
process, & study has been very
interrupted by holidays & committees
etc. We had two days vacation at
the news of the decision of the suit,
and since then Founders Day.

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