Untitled Page 156




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Rose has been in San Jose' just
a week yesterday. I tho't she
would be back today, but
undoubtedly Laura has persuaded
her to stay and come down to-
morrow. She has been taking
some Turkish baths which Dr. K.
tho't would be good for her, and
she says she is very fair now.
She was so yellow, just like
parchment - even the whites of
her eyes were saffron, but I
am so glad she has been wise
enough to recuperate thoroughly.
Thursday at Fr. Rev. saw Paul
Mabury. He comes down twice a
week to lectures, and in the
course of the conversation, he
urged me to come down and see
the girls, but I told him that
Bella hadn't accepted my
invitations to visit on her [illegible]

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