Untitled Page 155
and that I wanted to see her so much. He forth-
with told Bella who wrote me a note that night
saying she would be down Saturday unless she
heard from me to the contrary. I was delighted and
we had such a nice little visit but all too
short, since she had to go back on the noon train
today as this was [illegible] train between that and one
that would arrive in S.J. after dark. She is enjoying
her business College work so much. The reason
that I have not said much about any drawing
is that I have all but "flunked" in it! Prof. Clark
is absolutely the rudest and most disagreeable man
it has ever been my misfortune to be under. And
as a consequence after drawing under him for an
afternoon I have once or twice been so used up with
rage and pity by turns that I have gone to bed to
recuperate. Very seriously, I thought of dropping it
this semester but I was bound I would make the
man be civil at least; tho' I know we than will never
agree. My history & Fr. I enjoy much. Mrs.
Schneider invited Rose & me down there to stay all
night Tuesday night and be there for a dancing
party. I should liked to have gone but did not feel that
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