Untitled Page 153



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You don't know how sorry & surprised I was to
hear of the Fort [illegible] bank failure. I knew
you had considered that such good stock. Did
Aunt Clara have any thing in that too? Mr. Mabury
sent word by Bella that the Harlan Mill was
going to do well now in his opinion. I will
write to Mr. [illegible] & see what he can do
about selling your shares. I suppose it is on
the books - the number that you have. We have
been having a perfect winter - such perfect days
as balmy as June. This is an ideal place [illegible]
[illegible] to enjoy. I have a new course with Mrs.
Barnes - 19th century history which I like so much.
I think she has a rare mind. Last week
we had an "Ex." in Fr. Rev. which I have
not heard from as yet. Rose did not take
it but will have to on her return. Bessie Porter
was marriaed a few weeks ago and Stella Brey [illegible]
will be in April. Arn't things changing! Surely this
in the transition time of my life and before many years
I shall be meeting old friends in new relations
entirely. Must say good night with heaps of love
and thanks from Theodora

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