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[written] 29

[typed] lighted and the carelessness of the night watch. Of course, the bui-
lding is not in the least damaged but the loss of apparatus was
quite discouraging. The weather has been enchanting, so bracing and
cold, till last night we had a sudden storm. It was the Roble girls
Sunday to decorate the altar at church so Alice Hays and I started
early this morning and got some red fresh walnut berries and got
them arranged in time for service. Theodora and I got such a lovely
invitation from Marguerite to spend the holidays at Rancho Sutter and
one from Mrs Myrick also from Gertrude. The first we have decided
not to accept on account of expense, it would be almost $20. The
second we are most in favour of because I have to go to the city to
shop. My black dress has quite given out and I want to get me some-
thing to wear through the long semester - another black outing suit
I think would be most satsifactory I theing think. Oh we got the proofs
at last from Prof. Heath and such frights ! Perfect caricatures ( !)
perfectly horrible. Theodora and I haven't done a thing for Christ-
mas having neither time nor funds - I have finished up the bit of
embroidery for Marguerite and that is all, as soon as we can had
our pictures taken without going into debt we are going to but so
far it hasn't seemed advisable. Mentally, I have spent my precious
V. a dozen times, you know it has always been my ideal gift to have
some money to do just as I wanted with, and it is especially ideal
now. I am just waiting till I go to the city and see something
that I think worth parting from my fiver for. Don't think I don't
enjoy being poor and going without things, - it swells me so with a
feeling of virtue that I never was so good natured in my life - you
know if I were entrapped in a sluice-box I should be comfortable and
think the view pretty. In Milton we are studying the whole puritan

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