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[written] 27

[typed] perfect La France roses and a mounted glass covered photo of
Reynolds Angels Heads for use, with a fried chicken, biscuits,
butter, olives,and pickled peaches - what a feast. We had
dinner in our room. Table decorations roses and beautiful violets
and maiden hair from Theodora and Miriam Maclaren with slated
almonds and box of Maskey's choisest for dessert - just think what
those two girls did + its a lesson to humanity and they went
on the 8 o'clock train, and afterwards Miriam, Helen, Alice
and Felice Cohn came in and feasted on the rest of the
chicken, cake, olives, crackers, candy and nuts. After they
went I studied my verbs and now it is midnight and I must say
good-night but first with unexpressible love to and thanks
to my Nannie and a prayer that I may become worthy of all the
lessons the past twenty years have taught me not the least of
which is you noble generous life. I must not leace out that we
have a most cordial invitation from the to spend the holidays
with them and also from Mrs. Myrick for Gertrude, Theodora and
I to spend Xmas with them, both of which we may accept. And
now I am going to sleep to dream of my good-fairy Nannie , of
al the things I haven't been, and all the things I'm going to
be and of one of the most surprisingly happy birthdays imagin-
able Your 20 yr. old Toodles.

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