Untitled Page 145
[written] 25
[typed] Is this plainer? Beg pardon for using my pencil but I was
with it
studying and forgot to change to ink.
Dec. 10, 1895
My precious Nannie -
Theodora issound asleep and I shall be there too soon but
I cannot close this happy day without telling you all about it
because it has not seemed complete without you. In the first
place last night Helen Younger informed me that I would sooon
be as old as she, I thought she had mistaken when my birthday
came, for as usual I had lost all track of dates and supposed this
important anniversary was far in the future. I was loath to be
reminded that she was right as I do not like the to be twenty.
so carefully avoided mentioning the fact to Theodora and soon
forgot about it myself as we had a stiff exam in French Revolution
this morning. Of course I felt a trifle dismal in the moments
before I went to sleep and when I was waking up but the ex drown-
ed all these thoughts till s untering to the postoffice as usual
to get any stray letters when lo and behold they were all for one
me. one from you to and one from whom do you suppose "congrat-
ulationa and many happy returens of the day from an old friend
Lew Black" This indeed was a forcible reminder. Then I opened
yours and read its sweet blessing and pocketed the private note.
When I found myself alone in my room I opened that too. First
I had a very full welling-up feeling then I felt like a scape
grace for having so much when I already have had so much, then
I felt again that I couldn't keep it, then I decided it was the
sweetest gift that was ever made and I would use it according
to suggestion, and some try to repay the sweet darling aunt
who sent. In the meantime I had dashed about trying to find a
good hiding place, at the same time hustling to pick up the
room in anticipation of a call from Genie Matrey and possibly Mrs.
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