Untitled Page 137



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[written] - Theodora & Rose 1[circled] p. 21, a-c. 1[circled]

[typed] Nov. 16, 1895

My dear Nannie -

What a splendid yours of Nov. 5th was ! With such examples
certainly I ought to improve in my power to make interesting
the little things. I remember my last to you was a very hasty
scribble written in the drawing class - but Rose it was put in
with fone from Rose, so the whole wasn't bad at least. What
was the sample that you enclosed - the black rough goods. I
thing you forgot to mention it. It looks like such stylish
goods I am quite anxious to know who is the possessor of it and
what it is. I am so sorry that Aunt Clara is having trouble with
her affairs. It at least serves to occupy her mind - and I hope
she doesn't worry. I am not at all surprised that she wants to
stay right there in Cazenovia. It could hardly be expected that
she would ever become attached to any other place tho' I had
thought she enjoyed taking short trips, which she may yet take
pleasure in when she has settled some of the present perplexing
problems and gets the house fixed to her mind.

Belle Mabury is coming down next Friday to stay over night
and possibly until Monday. She is just the sweetest girl and
is always so nice to me. I have just re-read your letter and
find that the sample is like your black skirt which I think
can't keep help but be a very handsome one. I received back last
week my French examination paper on which I received "Good" and
was very thankfull to get that as I had feared that I had made
too many mistakes even to merit that.

We had a very good sermon by Rabbi the jewish divine
would you say? He is very liberal and I was most surprised to
hear him speak of Christ as he did with so much reverence. I

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