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[written] 21

[typed] terday, I took luncheon at Mrs. Dunne's with Bessie Blossom-it
seemed natural to see the Andersons, Howards, Hudson, and Mrs.
and Miss Hardy all at their old place. Mrs. Dunn inquired
for you very particularly. Bessie is such a dear girl. She has just
given me such a beautiful picture of herself - as soon as I can part
with it I'll send it to you. To-morrow I'll see Fred Schneider about
Ed's address. Prepare Elsie for Ed's oddities or they may startle
her. The dinner gong has just screamed in the hall so I'll say bye-
bye now and add anything more that I think of- Oh we play whist
every night - Theodora, Helen Younger, Alice Colt and I.

Ed's address is 329 Lexington Ave, New York

No more news,


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