Untitled Page 135
[written] 20
[typed] were the foresters and they looked too pretty for anything in their
tan and hunters green, they thought it a great lark to smile at their
friends in the audience. Genie Mabury came down to go with Paul and
she took luncheon with us. She looked ever so pretty in her brown
Eastern suit. I am sorry to say that my good marks in my last exams
quite turned my head and I have done very poor studying ever since,
but it is not going to continue for this has been a day of resolves.
This morning I went to church and heard such a good sermon from Mr.
Peete - it is such a privilege to hear such a good sermon so
often. I always try to sit in the seat we sat in when we went but
it is nearly always filled when I get there, as I always walk (both
ways) Mr. Peete wants the Roble girls to see to the church decorat-
ions every third Sunday. Oh, our dresses for the S.A.E. party a
week ago were lovely. Theodora's was so rich and she was the queen
of the evening. Mine was pretty too and I enjoyed dancing so much
I thought I had forgotten how, but a beautiful floor and music and
good partners made it all come back to me. Their house is such an
elegant one - so rich and plain. They had a millionaire member - Mr.
Sayre-who evidently has beautiful taste and as Prof. Hudson said "knows
hows to hie" There is great excitement over the Thanksgiving game
Berkeley has a very strong coach and team and is winning games right
and left, while our men have shown much enthusiasm. I am afraid the
outlook is dubious. I don't know whether I can go to the game or
not - I don't believe I'll have the money so if I can't I'll stay home
with a story, it may have lots of swear words in it though. Its a
shame that you have such a tug with you sewing - but no doubt you have
a great success to look forward too as an inspiration. Therarter-
itum is so gorgeous now with its Toyon berries in full crimson. There
is such a quanity this year and they are more loyal than ever. Yes-
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