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[written] 16

[typed] Saxon that nobody did well in and a Milton ex."sprung" on us by
Prof. Anderson which was not very hard. Sunday was rainy and I
studied. Saturday morning Theodora washed my hair so well and in
the afternoon I helped decorate for the reception to the Faculty
given by the ladies of Roble Hall. It was a very pretty evening
and most of the faculty came. There was music and recitation by
imported and home talent and we had an awfully good time with the dear
splendid professors. Dr. Howard is grand - that reminds me -
do not send the Fr. Rev. Histories for we have access to all the
books we need in the library or in the Hall. It is so much fun to
get hold of the professors outside of class when we can get even
with them a little. Friday night Theodora and I stayed all night
with the Braly girls and had an awfully good time. About all I
remember of the rest of the week was being rushed by the Kappa
Kappa Gamma frat. I contemplated it some because I didn't know
but what it might be a good thing for Theodora to be thrown so
closely with a number of nice girls, as they certainly all are, but
my speculations were in vain because she was carried away by Mrs.
Ballington Booth
's lecture and paid her initiation fee to join
the Salvation army auxiliary. It was funny because it was just
to divert her religious tendency that I contemplated the fratern-
ity for her. She is entitled to the Salvation army literature so
I am going to turn it to profit and sell her "War Cries" at "Patsy
Green's Sporting Palace
" in Mayfield. Theodora and I have better
and better times to-gether and we are growing nearer than ever
before, her religious enthusiasm seems to react on me in inverse
ratio but it certainly makes her more lovable and me more loving
so I guess it is all right - don't mention it to her or to me be-

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