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[written] p. 12 g XVI

[typed] The last time that Rose and I were in San José together,
Ge trude and Miss McKinnon got a surrey and drove us out to Allis'
She is very much changed - for the better. She had found the repose
that she lacked; but I am unable to tell whether it is great happiness
or the end of a hard struggle that has brought her this peace. Mr.
goes to Africa in a month - not to return for 5 years. He
gives Allis no encouragement for a marriage under a year but Allis
looks on the hopeful side and thinks it will be less than a year.
She expects to follow him to Africa and be married there, after he
is finally established. She is announcing her engagement and seems
full of peace. I hope he will appreciate this rare girl that he
will get when he marries Allis.

(June?), Rose and I hear, is down here and very much wants
us to see us to get a recommendation as cook for the Figi House! Isn't that a
huge joke! He got into some difficulty at Mrs. Parks and wrote me a
long letter saying she wouldn't pay him what she owed him and beseech-
ing me to see her in his behalf ending with profuse blessings etc, etc.
-a letter which I paid not attention to and I doubt if I shall reco-
mmend him. I think it will be hard for him any place and he will have
to adapt himself more than he has any idea of before he makes a success
of any place.

I am afraid you will think we have forgotten our studies
when I tell you we are thinking of organizing a whist club of 6 girls
and 6 boys to meet once a mo. or so. It is very undeveloped as yet,
but 4 of us girls have played a few times and enjoy it so much, we
hope to carry it further. (note on side)We admire your own immensly

Give my love to Aunt Clara, with a heap for your own dear
self. Theodora.

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