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[written] p. 12 f. XV

[typed] Prof. Allen asked Gertrude the last he saw her if I
would let him have Papa's knife. He had made it and wanted it as a
remembrance. So I took it over to him the last time I went.

I don't think I have written since I received back my
Fr. Revolution paper with only "Good" on it. Rose had not studied
half as much on it and came off with "excellent" I was so thoroughly
disgusted,that I haven't studied it since. The only satisfaction
after all was that I felt I enjoyed quite a conprehensive idea of the
subject so far as we have gone. You have not given us your idea as
to Girls Fratr. I shall not join one under any circumstances but
should like to know your/views so as to ward off the girls if poss-
ible when they persist.longer. I am sorry Aunt Clara is having
any difficulty. It only makes one know the more the nothingness
and unreality of the ephemeral world. I am so glad to be learning
where the real treasures lie.

Rose does look so well in that last winter's black dress
and her new hat which has such good value in it. We neither of us
really need a new gown, and Rose' grey with her black cape (which
Wallace the furrier in San Francisco mended nicely for 2:50) makes
a splendid everyday suit.

This Friday an outdoor production of "As You Like It"
is to be given and Rose and I are going as is everyone else. It is
the picked talent of San Francisco and promises to be very good.

This morning Dr. Jordan gave us a very good talk on
"Obedience" which he holds to be the ultimate good. His remarks
were very good, but they always seem to be on the same level, there
is never anything uplifting or inspiring in what he says - to me -
But Mr. Polluck of the "Bostonians" say Jerusalem - The Holy City"
which was inspiration - truly. A beautiful tenor voice full and
smooth and satisfying and such a lovely face.

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