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[written] Theo - p. 12 a X

[typed] Stanford University,Cal. Oct. 18, 1895

My dear Annie-

We were so glad to get your good letter last night. I had been
down to San José on business. Fred met me at Mr. Goshey's office we
simply verified Mr. Kittridge's statements. I had my head washed at
Miss Foleys and it did seem a great luxury for the water is so bad
here - one has to get good water by the pitcher full from the kitchen
if you want it hot. Before I forget it - Rose and I have forgotten
what we did with Mama's lornettes - but I have a dim idea that I ask-
ed you to take care of them. Am I wrong? For they are not in the
dress box. Rose and I have been asked to join a fraternity the
Bessie and Bertha Braly belong and are very anxious for us to. But
I do not think favourably of it. In fact I shall not join and Rose
won't if I don't. Rose says she is sure she should feel like a bull
in a china-shop. And that very aptly expresses my idea of the thing.

Yesterday when I got back Rose had made her such a cute hat, out
of that black felt flat that I got last Autumn. It is very dressy,
however, and I am right glad that she has such a stylish suitable
best hat.


Have just finished reading my Science lesson and feel very very
happy. Put on my black silk crèpe for dinner - and it is such a
pretty becoming gown since the sleeves are stiffened and the skirt gored.
Rose let me wear the dainty little lace "points" on my collar and
I felt very dressed. Night before last Rose and I went over to the
Braly's on invitation - just to have a pleasant evening with the girls
at the house. Prof.s Allendice and Kellogg spent the evening - They
made welch rarebit - played cards etc. And when we thought it itme
to come away Mrs. Braly wouldn't hear to it - and we stayed all night

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