Untitled Page 120
[written] 12
[typed] train so took the 6:30. Alice Cowen and Guy Cochran were on it and
we had a jolly time coming home. At Palo Alto we found not a car-
raige as everything was at the university. There had been a great
celebration on account of the decision for the suit - processions,
honor brigades. Dr. and Mrs Jordan had been met at the 5:30 train
by the student body and pulled up to the university - the girls
carrying chinese lanterns, and the boys blowing horns and shouting.
There was speech-making and bonfires and Dr. Jordan ended with say-
ing that the "doors of Stanford University would never close"-----
Ra ra ra Stanford. Today everyone was resting - last night the boys
at 12 o'clock painted the station red. A new station is being built
on the university side of the tracks, it is not of stone but frame
and on the left hand side going to Palo Alto from the university.
Mrs. Hazelton was here Tuesday and was very anxious about you as she
had not heard since you had reached ... - I gave her your post-
als and the paper telling of Uncle Lemson's death. Oh, Theodora and
I are so obliged for the White syllabi - they are especially helpful
to Ora in her thesis. Tomorrow I shall see Prof. Heart againe about
the photos. I saw Miss McKinnon in San Jose and she sent you her love
and said whe had heard from you. Gertrude wishes to hear from you
too. She prizes her dear little tray you gave her so much. She is
very well and so is every body. Give warmest love to Aunt Tad and
keep a big hug for yourself. I don't have time to discuss lectures
with you much.
Your ....
Your letter was so good. Isn't Aunt Tad An Heiress.'
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