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[written] 11

[typed] took the noon train for San Jose, as I wanted to go to the bank for
money for my silk waist and fare to the city. I took luncheon with
Gertrude and then we both went out to Allis Ballan's - to see Allis
who got back from her trip Monday, and to get some millenery out there
for a winter everyday hat. Allis looks thin but appears better- more composed
and rational and prettier in white mull than I have seen her for a
long time. Mrs. B. was as sweet and dear as ever sending much love
to you. I took the 6 P.M. train home and got here in time for a
late dimmer. Friday I studied and had an examination with Miss Mosh-
the head of the gymnasium. It was the "ancestory" ex. and I
passed all right. Not having to go back farther than Mama and Papa.
Saturday was the jolliest day of all. Theodora and I took the 8:30
train for S.F. We went first and got my cape which is repaired beau-
tifully for $2.50 and looks as good as new - no new fur but old re-
paired. Then I went to Miss O'Strander's. The waist was not done,
but lovely even in embryo state. It is to be finished Wednesday.
Theodora talked with Fred who gives us a feeling of security. He
advises we consult either Judge Myrick/or Judge Rhodes and is going
to consult with Mr. Gosbey himself and investigate accounts with
Theodora Thursday. Then Theodora and I had chicken pattie at the
Women's Exchange. Then we did an errand or two and by way of "spon-
taneous variation" bought gallery tickets for 35¢ for "Tribly". I
never enjoyed anything more in my life. The play was strong and
well acted. It was most as much fun as discovering the Maitland
to go up and up the gallery stairs not knowing whether we
would get in a smoking, gum-chewing mob or not but we found ourselves
in the midst of fashinoable respectability and had such a good time.
We left just before the last act to see Louise, but we missed the 5:30

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