Untitled Page 113
[written] Theodora p. 7 a III
[typed] 2.
Sunday eve. [written] (Sep. 29?)
[typed] Dear Nannie,
Ir just seems as if you were a dreadfully long way off- one
letter a week and not a glimpse of you seems very Easternfied. I
do hope you will go and see Mr. Goshey before you come down here
so you can somewhat understand matters for I must confess thay
worry me much.
O! Prof. Griggs gave us such an inspiring sermon-lecture this
morning in the chapel on "Faith"- ending his beautiful discourse
with that poem of Tennyson's that Mama loved so well-
"Twilight and evening star
And one clear call for me
And may there be no moaning of the bar
When I put out to sea."
It seemed like a breath from heaven to hear his sympathetic
feeling voice uttering those words that have become almost hallowed
in my thoughts.
Rose did not hear him, as she with Alice Hays walked over to
Palo Alto to hear Mr. Peete.
Mrs. Myrick patronized us last week much to our disgust.
I am going to drive with Bessie Braley tomorrow afternoon.
She is such a charming girl. We called on Mrs. Anderson last even-
ing. She hopes to see you when you come down, and I hope to know
her batter.
Am writing by candle light as the electric lights are out.
Won't you run down on our ticket for a day soon?
Love from your girls.
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