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[written] 76

[typed] a machine and time I should much prefer to do it, but as I hadn't
either I shall have Miss Smead do it. The weather has been very
warm and I don't know what I should have done without my dimity
everyone admires it so much and I love it more and more.

The paper with the account of Uncle Lemson's death, came
yesterday, in our next letter from you we expect to hear how Aunt
is. Giver her ever so much love from me.

Theodora got a note from Mr. Campbell asking for the stove
for the dining-room and winter bedding. The stove of course is at
hand, but the extra bedding they will have to supply for themselves.
And now I must say good-night with a big long hug and kiss..

From your ....

The pictures had not come from the city when I last saw Prof. ..
but he was expecting them any day now.

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