Untitled Page 111



Status: Indexed

[written] 6

[typed] but thought afterward of a number of people but I had spent my
extra twenty cents in balloons for Rob. and Gladys. On my way
to the Valencia St. station I stopped off at Louise's , had a glim-
pse of the children- they both seemed well. I got on the train
to find Miss Bessie Blossom who had gone down with us in the morn-
ing and also dear lovely Mrs. Jerohuan and Prof. Jerohuan. Isn't
she beautiful? I told her about you and Aunt Clair and Uncle Lem-
's going and she and Prof. Jerohuan asked Theodora and me to come
over there, and they would meet us whenever we would let them know.
And they promised to see us whenever they came to the university.
The ride down was very short and I reached Roble just in time for
dinner. Theodora and I accepted a Kappa Kappa Gamma (girl's frat-
ernity) invition to go for a moonlight ride. About twenty girls
went in the very long bus. The night was very beautiful and we rode
beyond Redwood city and back, stopping at the Braly's for ice-cream
and cake on the way home. The poor Braly girls are broken hearted
over the loss of their pet dog- Sir Peter. Bertha was devoted to the
little thing, and the other day when she was out driving she ran
over it and killed. it. The shock has quite unnerved her. She didn't
go on the drive nor we didn't see her in the evening. The drive was
beautiful, coming home Miss Kitty Hasket (a Vassar girl) and I sat
in the drivers seat and enjoyed it so much. The girls sang and
made themselves lively.

( page six of letter missing)

....Would you like the syllabi for the course? I can get it for
you if you do. Prof. Howard is such an ardent, interesting apeaker.
I like Prof. Andersen sever so much but want to do so well under him that
I don't do well at all. French is great fun, and Anglo Saxon very
dry but highly beneficial. Sometime this week I want to go to San
to get the stiffening for my black sleeves, that is out at Mrs.
s and get Miss Smead to put it in order. If I were where I had

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