Untitled Page 109
[written] 3. (Rose) p. 4
[typed] Sunday evening, September 29, '95
My darling Nannie,
Theodora is studying out loud with one of the girls, so if
my letter is mixed up with the "tiers Etat" or any other French Rev-
olutionary terms don't be surprised. This week has been a very full
one- Sunday Alice Hayes and I went over to Palo Alto to church and
had such a good sermon from dear Mr. Peete - He is a grand upholder
of the church, and his simple service I already feel I cannot go
without. Monday was a day of lectures and Tuesday I was astounded
to see Kate Stabler, Edna Bowman, and Rowena Beans in the quadrangle.
Kate had stopped off from a visit to San Jose and Edna had come with
her. Edna leaves next month for Germany with Meda Bowman. Rowena
Beans was as sweet as ever, and Kate was the same old Kate and more
could not be said. She took luncheon with us, and regretted not being
able to stay over night to hear Dr. Jordan's lecture on"War Times".
Rowena brought a Irishman friend to call in the afternoon- a dear little
Miss Bessie Blossom of the Beardsley type of girl, and I was delighted
to make her acquaintance as I had admired her in the library. S The
events of Monday have come back to me. I remember it was a very blue
Monday. I had my first examination under Prof. Andersen and felt that
I didn't put down all that I knew. A very crushing conviction as I
knew anything short of that wasn't worth anything. My new hat came
down and was hideous, it lacked just the indescribable air that made
the other becoming. Of course, I was disappointed. Now to continue
with Wednesday. I was sent to the blackboard in French, and as I had
the corrected sentences I quite distinguished myself. That is all I
remember of that day. Thursday I got a letter from Marguerite saying
that she would come down Friday and stay over till Saturday with me.
The whole day was a pleasure. Theodora and I spent the afternoon in
studying French Revolution together, and afterward, as it was intensely
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