Untitled Page 108




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[written] p. 3 d VII

[typed] until she should herself write. Bella is going to the business col-
leg and feels very happy to think she is doing something. O! the
time does go so fast and the days are so beautiful. I walk a great
deal and both Rose and I are happy the livelong day. One or two of
the girls are very congenial and we have very happy times together.
What do you think of my back hand writing + I am getting so that
I write almost anyway, having to scribble notes so much. Jeanie
was very anxious to get my opinion of Howard. It seems he has been
quite attentive to her and I think she quite likes him. But Carlotta
and Bella quite dislike him believing him to be somewhat of a tody
(if that spells it). And I now am so afraid he does put greater
stress on wealth than he would if he had not always had to economize
so much. I have had my criticisms meanitme and have give just time
to say Good bye., before we are excused. I wonder if you are as tired
of waiting for the "pictures" as I am.

Love from Theodora.

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