Untitled Page 97
contains books that we havn't here at all.
But the next day "Cousin Emma" went down town with me
& I didn't get to the Library until 11 o'clock so didn't
have many hours to work after all. Went to Vickerys
and found the collection tho' I did not get it, but
think it will be just what you want. It consists of
12 beautiful photograve[illegible] - in the brown tints of
the various Cal. missions - & a sheet explaining the
history of each one with tiny etched illustrations
giving them a very artistic appearance. It is $400
a set which I think very reasonable. If you
want me to get it, you must let me know immeditely.
I don't know whether you knew about the collarette
that Wallace was to make me. It is a great
success. I got it yesterday and it certainly
is a very rich garment. Your description of your
14 mile walk was delightful. How strong you
are! I should be tired out with such a long tramp -
5 or 6 miles is about as much as I can stand. I
have walked to Menlo and back which I tho't
quite a feet. The Stanford vineyard is or has
been a gorgeous sight. the leaves all turned
red as the reddest wine. This is the most
ideal place and we are so happy here.
This morning I had a fit of cleaning, tho'
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