Untitled Page 96
[typed] Stanford University, Cal. [written] Dec. 1st [typed] 189 [written] 5
My dear Nannie -
Our ink hav all given out, but I will try
to write good and black so that you won't have to
guess at more than half of the words. Our Thanksgiving
vacation is over and the girls have come back to begin
work tomorrow. Gertrude wanted us to spend the Day
with her but we both preferred to stay here and had a
quiet day. Two of the girls had large boxes from their
homes so they [illegible] the dinner of homemade goodies.
[I?] thot it was so nice of them. It [illegible] in the [illegible]
and I was so glad that we hadn't gone to the game, tho'
I think Rose wanted to very much. Friday I have
promised Gertrude that I would go to shop with her in
S. Francisco, as I had some little business that I had
expected to have to transact with Louise but it fell
thro' owing to a delay in the papers reaching me.
Nevertheless G. & I had a fairly successful time & [happily?]
Gertrude got her a [seal?] brown broadcloth - very handsome
boots like mine &c. We lunched at the Palace where we
had such a good steak that I didn't feel comfortable the
rest of the day. I decided that I would stay all night
with Mrs. Myrick and work on my thesis the next
day taking advantage of the Public Library which
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