Untitled Page 94
[typed] Stanford University, Cal. 189
[written] various actors among them [illegible] all of
whom greatly admired it, and then he
read the interviews between Mildred & Lord
Tresham, with so much feeling. He said
he could not read the curse nor most of it
because of its over whelming pathos. After Browning,
I heard of an Anglo Saxon ex. to-morrow in
[illegible] & hurried home to dig with a feeling
in my heart that maybe Gertrude might come
on the afternoon train. When has who should
appear in a surrey but Gertrude & Mrs McKinnon
with [illegible] with suspicious jackets & boxes of
which of course I was oblivious. They left their
parcels, & went to round up mr. McKinnon &
Theodora. by half past four we four were
in our room having such a Christmas of a time
undoing bags & boxes - in one the most exquisite
birthday cake - made by [illegible] by your rule. &
with "Rose" in violets on the white frosting - then
from Miss McK's basket - red carnations & a
dainty hand painted slender vase for Theodora -
& most perfect La France roses & a mounted
glass covered photo of Reynold's Angels Heads
for me, with [illegible] fried chicken, biscuits, butter,
olives & pickled peaches - What a feast - We
had dinner in our room. Table decorations
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