Untitled Page 93
I felt like a scape grace for leaving so much when
I already had had so much, then I felt again
that I couldn't help it, then I decided it was
the sweetest gift that was ever made, and I
would use it according to suggestion, and
someday try to repay the sweet darling aunt
who sent. In the mean time I had [illegible]
about trying to find a good hiding place, at
the same time bustling about to pick up the room
in anticipation of a call from Genie [illegible]
& possibly Mrs. Short. By way of a finishing
touch I went out to see if I couldnt find just
one pink rose to put by Mama's picture, & then
tried not to feel disappointed when I couldn't find
one, but ended my search by making myself
go for a walk with a conceited old school [illegible]
who was discouraged over the [illegible] ex.
When I came back what was my astonishment
to find in the room a large box from Sherwood
Nursery directed to me, which upon opening
I found contained the daintiest mass of
pink roses & maiden hair with Helen
Younger's card. I fairly squeeled with joy.
By that time it was luncheon, & after that
we went to Browning & had such a "soul
cleansing" reading of the Blot on the [illegible]"
really - Prof. Anderson is one of the grandest
characters to so fully interpret so grand a
writer as Browning & so grand a thing as the
poem. He simply told us the [illegible] of its
stage appearance, quoting the opinion of
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