Untitled Page 92



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Is this plainer? Big pardon for useing my
pencil but I was studying with it & forgot to
change to ink?

[line drawn across the page]

[typed] Standford University, Cal. [written] Dec. 10 [typed] 189 [written] 5.

My precious Nannie -

Theodora is sound a sleep and I
shall be too soon but I cannot close this happy
day without telling you all about it, because it
has not seemed complete without you. In the
first place last night Helen Younger informed me
that soon I would be as old as she, I thing but
she had mistaken when my birthday came, for as
usual I had lost all track of dates & supposed this
important anniversary was far in the future. I
was loath to be reminded that she was right as I
do not like to be twenty so carefully avoided [illegible]
[illegible] fast to Theodora and soon forgot all
about it msyelf as [illegible] as French
Revolution this morning [illegible] I felt a trifle
[illegible] in the morning [illegible] I went to sleep &
when I was [illegible]
all [illegible] the [illegible] to the
post office as usual to get any [illegible] when
low & behold they were all for me - one from
you & one from - whom do you suppose -
- "Congratulations & many happy returns of the
day from your [illegible] old friend - [illegible]
This indeed was a [illegible] then
I opened yours & [illegible] &
pocketed the [illegible] When I found my-
self alone in my room. I opened that too.
First I had a very full waking-up feeling, then

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