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[typed] Stanford University, Cal. 189

[written] She is going to enter St. Luke's hospital in
S. F. & take a two years course. At present
she is taking a course in chemistry, physiology,
massage & nursing She is such a beautiful
noble girl, just such an one that make
you better just to think of & whom it is a
great privilege to know. She sent me
two pictures of herself, in one she is looking
down at her [illegible]'s picture in her
hands - It is so sweet and [illegible] that
I am going to send it to you, the other one
I fear she did not intend I should keep, but
only choose from. Prof. Heath went down
to see about our pictures Saturday. Isn't it
a shame we have to wait so for them but he
has to wait for his [illegible] just the same.
I think there is nothing left to tell about. - I include
beside Helen Lathrop picture, a picture of
Helen Younger, She is very much prettier than
the photo and her chief charm is in her graceful
queenly carriage & her [illegible] walk, not to
mention her comprehensive nature. Give
a great deal of love to Aunt Tad. Your letters
are so good & [illegible]. Theodora has just gone
to bed & I am getting sleepier & sleepier So


Your loving

Toodles -

Don't write anything about Lolie to me because we
leave our letters in common - I am ashamed of this ill-
-written thing.

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