Untitled Page 89
that I "came round" on the 21st &
have felt too good natured for anything
ever since - really what a privilege
it is to have the dumps flushed out
of me so effiectually. I think I have
nothing more to add to this inverted
calender. Gertrude claimed the right to
tell you of Judge Peckhaus marriage so
I will add only that I saw him on the
street in San Jose, and it made me
perfectly [unuciated?] & the sight haunted
me. Oh! We are getting up such a lovely
thing - once a week Prof. Anderson is
going to read to us from Browning, there
is to be no out side work & no credit, he
simply is going to read an hour to us, Isn't
that lovely? It was lovely of you to send on
the Fr. Rev. syllabi. I will return the
compliment as soon as possible. Prof.
Anderson asked after you one evening
when he came over the read Browning's
"Saul" to the Roble girls at Miss [illegible]'s
request. He read it magnificently. I got a
beautiful letter from Helen Lathrop a week or two
ago - she sent her love to you. She is still at
the hospital with her father in St. Helena.
She is preparing her self to do [illegible] work -
and is taking a course in trained nursing
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