Untitled Page 88
[written] 4.
[typed] Stanford University, Cal. 189
[written] initiation fee to join the Salvation Army
Auxiliary. It was funny because it was
just to divert her [illegible] that
I contemplated the fraternity for her. She
is entitled to the Salvation Army literature,
so I am going to turn it to profit and
sell her "War Cries" at "Patsy Green's Sport-
ing Palace" in Mayfield. Theodora and
I have better and better times to-gether
& we are growing nearer than ever before
her religious enthusiasm seems to react
on me in invers ratio but it certainly
makes her more erratic & me more
boring so I guess it is all right - don't
mention it to her or to me because
it is a very sensitive point with her.
So you see that we escaped joining a
fraternity which was rather unpleasant
because the Braly girls were so sweetly
persuasive, & Allic Craven was a
great inducement as she is pledged.
But they have all been just as lovely
since we declined as they were before,
which speaks volumes in their favour
and I shall never criticise girl's frats.
again. Alice [Coven?] asked me to
go out [illegible] with her Wednesday,
so "alls well that ends well." Another
went that I forgot to mention was
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