Untitled Page 86



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[written] 3

[typed] Stanford University, Cal. 189

[written] for her, because we have the money to-
gether & she keeps account, so I couldn't
get anything with out her [illegible] it,
besides I knew she could spend her own
money more to her satisfaction than I
so I contented myself with getting
violets & autumn leaves & a birth day
cake. Gertrude came down in the afternoon
with a shopping bag all finished for her.
We hung it on the bureau in plain
sight & had such a laugh when Ora
couldn't see it. No doubt Theodora told
it all to you, how the girls came in
after dinner, & [illegible] it turned
out to be Helen Youngers 20th birthday -
& we made a coconut cake out of paste-
board with 20 lighted tapers, & a [illegible]
bouquet with a pampas grass cutter piece
& took up to her. Ora shared her violets &
& hickery nuts with her. I looked at points
for the neck in the city for Ora but couldn't
find any half as pretty as the ones you got
so gave it up. The hickery nuts were such
a treat to so many people. We finished
them to-night. Monday I had an awfully
hard examination in Anglo Saxon, that
nobody did well in & as Milton's ex-
"spring" on us by Prof. Anderson, which was
not very hard. Sunday was rainy and

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