Untitled Page 83




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we decided for the evening. Theodora says she
is going entirely on my account - as far
as that goes it didnt make a particle
of difference when we went as long as
we went to-gether, only the evening was
to be very nice & it seemed folly to decline
when Theodora was to be here only a year
& I want her to have all the pleasure that
the university offers & if we waited till
January she wouldn't be half so likely to
be invited & I didn't want to establish the
negative predecent down here with her. So - to
continue the topic of conversation - we took
my confection & Theodora's brocade crepe &
started on the 9.36 train of of San Jose it
was a beautiful morning & we walked to the station as
we had missed the 8.10 train & supposed
we had plenty of time. Helen Younger a
lovely Santa Cruz girl went with us, when
to our consternation we discerned we had
only six minutes to make the last block
half of the distance in, we made it by running
the last block. Good fortune seemed to follow
us all day - I took my dress to a Mrs. Brown
a girl woman who makes all the dresses for
one of the best [illegible] girls here. She generally
goes out to sew at $2.50 but said she would make

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