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[typed] Stanford University, Cal. 189

[written] light with no foot lights to set them
off. The Stanford Glee club were the
foresters & they looked too pretty for anything
in their tan & hunters green. they thought
it a great lark to smile at their friends
in the audience. Genie Mabury came
down to go with Paul & she took luncheon
with us. She looked [illegible] so pretty in her
brown Eastern suit. I am sorry to say
that my good marks in my last exam.?
quite turned my head & I have done
very poor studying ever since, but it is
not going to continue, for this has been
a day of resolves. This morning I went
to church and heard such a good sermon
from Mr. Peete - it is such a privilege
to hear such a good sermon [as?] no other.
I always try to sit in the seat we
sat in when we went but it is nearly
always filled when I get there, as it always
[illegible] (both ways). Mr. Peete wants the
Roble girls to see to the church donations
every third Sunday.

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